Superman Number One

Sergio Benitez

The Holy Grail of any comic book fans collection would have to be the first Superman comic book. About a year ago the first Superman comic book, action comics number one went up for bid in the millions of dollars. This was the comic book to introduce the world to the fictional alien known to many as the superhero with the name of Superman. It was published in June 1938 and was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The main character as many know is told through the tale of mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent who is secretly an alien who escaped from a dying world to live on earth. This is truly an amazing comic because it is unique and there simply aren’t many around. It is estimated that there are only 50 unrestored original copies in existence. The condition of a comic book is part of its value and there was a time in history when comic books did not have the legendary status that they do now, so many were thrown out over time as children grew up into men not knowing that they would be worth anything. Sergio Benitez is a big fan of the comic book scene and he has many comic books to show for it. He enjoys titles from the golden era of comic books and even has a few choice antiques that he has gathered through his garage cleaning and storage cleanup service that he once ran in Los Angeles California. He commonly trades comic that interest him on eBay and other sites.